
A morning with yearlings followed by...

07-October-2016 17:14
in General
by Admin

With no runners today and plenty of horses roughed off most of my morning was spent over at the farm. Anna and Rowan cracked on with the yearlings, five of them were ridden nicely in the ring after a spell being lunged, they will soon be ready to venture over the road into the menage and be ridden through the stalls (they have all been walking through them daily when being driven). The Canford Cliffs colt is a superb mover and decided to test the glue on Rowan's backside once or twice. Luckily the glue remained effective. The gorgeous - racy Zebeddee colt was excellent, the Foxwedge is a day behind the others and is still quite nervous and jumpy. The Power colt (called Charming Power) with the tremendos stride was a gentleman and the Equiano colt now named Duke of Freedom was also well behaved.

352 photos were taken in all during the morning including some of the fillies out in the fiield who are also a very good looking trio.The Intense Focus filly is very racy and is very much in charge of the others, she likes to grab you by the arm too if given half a chance. The breeders of both her and the smart Henrythenavigator filly are retaining half in both fillies because they are both smartly bred so these two might be great for a syndicate wanting shares in well bred fillies where they can run them in their name and colours without having to buy the full horse.

While at the farm Peter the vet called in to see the youngsters before heading to Sun Hill where he scoped a couple (clean) and changed some dressings. Hayley manned the office while Anna, Agar Imran and Rowan and I were at the farm leaving the rest of the team at Sun Hill with George. Once back at base I went through all the photos for Hayley to start uploading in the days to come and found myself lockded in the office- phones taken off the hook and made to finally do the voiceover Hayley has been at me to finish for ages. The new and more up to date version of the Aqua Equine treadmill video is below


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